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legal services KPO in India


SDD Global is among the small number of pioneers in focusing on higher-value services, such as legal research, legal drafting, immigration visa processing, intellectual property registrations, anti-infringement operations, insurance claims administration, and a host of other high-end functions.

Main Article:

  • Legal Process Outsourcing in India. Our mission is to help positively change the way in which legal services are provided in the Western world. We intend to be a leader in an industry-wide paradigm shift – one that will result in a dramatic increase in quality, efficiency, responsiveness, and cost-effectiveness. What Toyota has been to the automobile industry; what Google has accomplished in the realm of Internet searching; what Infosys has done for the software business; that is what SDD Global wants to help achieve in the world of legal services – nothing short of a seismic change. 
  • We envision an industry in which artificial barriers across countries and continents do not keep the most talented and enthusiastic people from doing the work that they do best. We are pioneers in a new, worldwide legal landscape, where offices and employees will be located in places determined by the actual needs of clients, rather than the habits of law firms that do not wish to change. We want to help fashion a world in which widely differing and even opposite time zones are not an obstacle, but an opportunity for clients. We envisage the extension of the “work day” in such a manner as to redefine the term, allowing clients not only to sleep, but to sleep more soundly, knowing that their needs are being met around the clock. 
  • We foresee a radical change for the better in the way clients are billed. We seek to create a new worldwide standard, under which clients are charged reasonably, and only for actual services provided. We provide an alternative to the prevalent system of hourly billing, in which inefficiency is often handsomely rewarded, and efficiency often discouraged. Unnikrishnan Manghat    

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Author:  admin
Posted On:  Monday, 15 October, 2012 - 11:37

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