Small Talk E-Books

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Smalltalk Download Smalltalk E-Book
Smalltalk is one of the original Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) languages and came from Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the 1970s. It inspired much of today's graphical user interface design (Steve Jobs was given a demo of Smalltalk at PARC and went on to build the Macintosh) and influenced many of today's programming languages (especially Objective C and Ruby). While not as well-known as many subsequent languages, it has a vibrant community of users who continue to provide leadership in the software industry.
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Smalltalk Download Smalltalk E-Book
Smalltalk Tutorial
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Dave’s Smalltalk FAQ Download Dave’s Smalltalk FAQ E-Book
Certain questions get asked time and again. In order to save the repeated answering of these questions, and to provide the best answers, collections of these ’frequently asked questions’, and their answers, of course, are made and distributed to interested parties. Called FAQs, these documents often become the basic documentation on a topic and should be checked before posting a question to a related newsgroup
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