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Windows or Microsoft E-Books

Download Free Windows or Microsoft Ebooks Windows or Microsoft Back To E-Books
Microsoft Exchange Server Survival Guide Download Microsoft Exchange Server Survival Guide  E-Book
Microsoft Exchange Server Survival Guide
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Managing Microcomputers in Large Organizations Download Managing Microcomputers in Large Organizations  E-Book
The rapid introduction of microcomputers into organizations throughout the last decade gave new importance to the analysis of how technology impacts organizations. In particular, research on usability has sought to become central to the design and selection of technology for large organizations. However, definitions and methods are not yet standardized. Data gathered from semi-structured interviews of three MIS managers and 125 end-users in three organizations suggest that differences in emphasis on, and definition of usability can exist between these two groups.
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IIS Applications and Microsoft Transaction Server Download IIS Applications and Microsoft Transaction Server  E-Book
This guide is the primary source of introduction, installation, configuration, usage, and administration information for using Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server that apply to the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems.
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Hardware Design Guide for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Download Hardware Design Guide for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server  E-Book
Hardware Design Guide for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
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Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT Server Download Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT Server  E-Book
Hardware Design Guide Version 2.0 for Microsoft Windows NT Server
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Get going with Word 97 Download Get going with Word 97  E-Book
Welcome to Microsoft Word 97, which is one of most powerful and widely used word processing programs. Whether you want to type a simple letter or produce a complex book, Word can handle the job for you. These notes are only intended to get you going with the basic operation of Word. Books of several hundreds of pages have been devoted to the "ins" and "outs" of Word and even the most experienced Word users keep discovering new capabilities, features or possibilities.
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An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering Download An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering E-Book
Since its founding, NASA has been dedicated to the advancement of aeronautics and space science. The NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program Office plays a key part in helping NASA maintain this important role.
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Mail Merge Tutorial Download Mail Merge Tutorial E-Book
what is mail merge exactly? Quite simply, it is a way of placing content from a spreadsheet, database, or table into a Microsoft Word document. Mail merge is ideal for creating personalized form letters or labels instead of editing the original letter several times to input different personalized information. As you can imagine, this can save a lot of time as well as worry about not changing all of the information for the new recipient.
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Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial Download Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial E-Book
The Media Lab staff in rm 401 is there to help. They can teach you how to make, or consult and help you make, or completely create your PowerPoint talk for you. You can find out more information on the web at The Media Lab’s web site contains many “How to’s” on popular problems you will run in to as you create your PowerPoint presentations, Posters and Research articles
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Microsoft-Access Tutorial Download Microsoft-Access Tutorial E-Book
After design, development continues with constructing the database, constructing the user interface, binding the user interface to the database, and finally develop the program. This is what this booklet is about.
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