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Science E-Books

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Computer Aids for VLSI Design Download Computer Aids for VLSI Design E-Book
Each statement in CIF consists of a keyword or letter followed by parameters and terminated with a semicolon. Spaces must separate the parameters but there are no restrictions on the number of statements per line or of the particular columns of any field. Comments can be inserted anywhere by enclosing them in parenthesis.
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The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Download The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing E-Book
The technical world is changing very rapidly. In only 15 years, the power of personal computers has increased by a factor of nearly one-thousand. By all accounts, it will increase by another factor of one-thousand in the next 15 years. This tremendous power has changed the way science and engineering is done, and there is no better example of this than Digital Signal Processing.
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Stephen Wolfram - New Kind of Science Download Stephen Wolfram - New Kind of Science E-Book
Early in the 1980s Stephen Wolfram began to work in earnest upon cellular automata. These are a class of computer model which may be visualized as a set of memory locations, each containing one bit. These bits are updated in a succession of time steps. In each step, the new value of each bit depends upon the values of neighboring bits.
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A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic Download A Problem Course  in  Mathematical Logic E-Book
This book is a free text intended to be the basis for a problemoriented course(s) in mathematical logic and computability for students with some degree of mathematical sophistication. Parts I and II cover the basics of propositional and rst-order logic respectively, Part III covers the basics of computability using Turing machines and recursive functions, and Part IV covers G¨odel's Incompleteness Theorems
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Newtonian Physics Download Newtonian Physics E-Book
It is common to present quantum physics and the behaviour of quantum objects such as electrons or photons as mysterious and peculiar. And indeed, in Richard Feynman’swords, electrons do ‘behave in their own inimitable way . . . in a way that is like nothing that you have ever seen before.
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One of the many benefits of using Packet Radio is that it preserves spectrum by allowing several stations can share one frequency at the same time. By using the X-1J4 network node base described later in this book, you will discover other ways that Packet radio can link your State, Country, or even the World into one massive network. One of the elements or off-springs of Packet communications is the internet.
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Exploring RANDOMNESS Download Exploring RANDOMNESS E-Book
We argue that the apparent inconsistency between people’s intuitions about chance and the normative predictions of probability theory, as expressed in judgments about randomness and coincidences, can be resolved by focussing on the evidence observations provide about the processes that generated them rather than their likelihood.
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This article looks at the process of doing research ‘from scratch.” The author began a project investigating children of Ethiopian origin living in Israel to see how ones who attended a kindergartern program years earlier differed from those who had not attended. However, the problem from the outset was that there may not be a difference to find.
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Immunology Overview Download Immunology Overview E-Book
Resting B and T cells have large nuclei with very little cytoplasm (Fig 1-5) Upon Ag encounter lymphocytes proliferate and differentiate. They mount specific immune responses against virtually all foreign Ags They recognize Ags through cell surface receptors.
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Molecular Cell Biology Download Molecular Cell Biology E-Book
Selective permeability via lipid or proteinoid "membranes". Novel (high) concentrations and enhancement of interactions. Chained reactions (concentrated products available as substrates). Localized precipitation and organization (compartmentalization). Entropy can decrease in subsystems (not a violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics)
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