Software Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance and Metrics Quality Assurance and Metrics Notes
  Software metrics is a term that embraces many activities, all of which involve some degree of software measurement with the ultimate objective of improving software quality.
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Software Quality Assurance Management Software Quality Assurance Management Notes
   Software quality assurance management is essential to improving the practice of software engineering and management and thus constitutes an integral part of the software engineering process
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SQA Planning SQA Planning Notes
  Planning is one of the most important aspects of Software Quality Assurance. The entire operation of the SQA team depends on how well their planning is done.
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Software Quality Concepts Software Quality Concepts Notes
  Defining software quality,Attributes of software quality,Quality trade-offs Quality attributes in requirements definition
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Software Quality Assurance Plan Software Quality Assurance Plan Notes
  This document represents the Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) for software development. Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a formal process for evaluating and documenting the quality of the work products produced during each stage of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
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Guide to software quality assurance Guide to software quality assurance Notes
  This document is one of a series of guides to software engineering produced by the Board for Software Standardisation and Control (BSSC), of the European Space Agency.
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