Production of Electricity from the Artificial Nano Trees


Harvesting energy from the environment responsibly is important, natural trees and plants do this efficiently already for millions of years. Our invention is the mimicking of this ingenious concept also referred to as bio mimicry or bio mimetic.

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In particular this invention relates to the shape and form of leaves and needles and their incorporated nonmaterial’s that allows the Nano leaf to harvest, capture environmental energies like solar radiation, wind and sound and turn this into electricity, the Nano leaves made from a flexible substrate, is exploited on both sides, using a process called thin-film deposition which will incorporated thermo and photovoltaic material for the purpose of converting solar radiation (light and heat) in addition we introduce piezoelectric connective elements that connect/affix the leaf to the plant or tree, this not only allows quick and secure assembly but it also serves for turning wind energy into electricity. Furthermore we intend to get our Nano leaves as close to real as possible, one way to achieve this is to emboss the leaves, creating a three-dimensional leaf surface image, which is beneficial for harvesting and capturing solar radiation. The invention advances upon all prior art artificial leaves, needles and grasses including water based plants, this method not only foresees an economical and efficient way to harvest solar radiation and wind energy via incorporation of thermo- photovoltaic and piezoelectric materials but also reveals a method for affixing artificial leaves that can harvest and capture solar radiation, wind energy and energy generated from falling rain and hail, providing an aesthetically pleasing and natural looking artificial leaves and needles that can be affixed to trees, plants, shrubs and water based plants. Furthermore the main advantage of these Nano leaves is that these leaves are converting more energy than the solar panels. When we comprised the energy produced from Nano leaf tree to the energy produced with the solar panels, we found out that artificial Nano trees are converting solar radiation (light and heat) and wind(3 in 1) 130kwh p/in2   per year 370 euro p/in and solar panels are converting sun light 90Kwh p/in2 580p/in2.As far as we concern about the usage of this energy, this electrical energy can be used for driving the car which will reduce the use of the fossil fuels and can be used to enlighten the house.
It concludes by stating that the scope of the renewable energy from the Nano leaf tree in a relatively modern field will tend to solve the very big problems for the world like global  warming.

1. Introduction:

Today much debate has been going on in scientific circles about how real is the phenomenon of global warming and what would be mankind’s response in averting the consequence of it. Realizing this, steps have been taken to reduce the use of fossil-based energy and substituting the same with renewable sources such as solar and wind energy etc. Till now we are producing the electrical energy with the means of either wind mills (only the effect of wind) or solar panels (only the effect of solar energy) so far but all the two forms of these energies we are not using in same system. If we will do so then surely we can get the more efficient system than ever we had. So here in this paper we will demonstrate how an artificial tree will produce the electrical energy by using both (wind as well as solar) energies .For constructing the artificial tree the first step is to construct the nano leaves .The nano leaf will consist of two transparent conducting layers one at the top and other one at the bottom .Between these two layers we are placing thin film photo voltaic layer to convert the sunlight into electrical energy  and thin film thermo voltaic layer to convert the  thermal radiation into electricity [1].The nano leaves then connected to twigs  and branches using tiny piezoelectric elements that convert the movements of the leaves caused by wind and rain into more electricity. It will be interesting to know that one tree depending on the size and location, can produce between 2000 and 12000 kHz per year [2] plus the trees provide shade and function as a windbreak.

2. Why Nano leaves:

We know very well that piezoelectric crystals, photo voltaic cell and thermo voltaic cells are used to convert the one form of energy into electrical energy but till now we are not using these all the techniques in the single system. Think if we are mingling these all the techniques in single system then surely different types of energies coming to the system can be converted into huge amount of electrical energy. So for this, the only and the best solution is the Nano leaves because the leaves on a tree get all these types of energies such as solar energy from sun, wind energy as well as stress from the rain and for converting these all the energies into electrical energy all the above mentioned techniques we are having in a single nano leaf. The other main motive to choose nano leaves is that the size is small and compact. The other main advantage of using Nano leaves is that it can produce more electrical energy than the solar panels.

Fig. (1) View of solar panels and nano leaves trees

Table (1):  Comparison b/w solar cells & nano trees in production field.


Solar Cells

Nano leaves





It can produce power from solar energy only

It can produce power from solar, wind and from rain also

3. Overview of Nano leaves Technology:

One of the emerging nanotechnologies related to renewable energy is nano leaves and stems of artificially created trees or plants. They are intended to harness energy provided by the wind and sun, thereafter converting it into electrical energy
Moreover, to better understand the fundamental of nano leaves, we have to dig into an innovative field of technologic development, called Bio mimicry

4. Overview of Bio mimicry Technology:

The nano leaves have been specially designed to imitate the natural process of photosynthesis. A mechanism by which, typical plants absorb the light emitted by the sun and CO2 in the atmosphere. The artificial trees do even copy the natural re-cycling               process                oxygen.
It is very recent that nano leaves technology started to reap even more advanced levels. It can now harvest thermal energy as well. Moreover, the leaves fixed on artificial trees are also able to collect energy derived through movement of the wind, known as kinetic energy, which is as well converted into electrical energy.

5. Compositon of Nano leaves:

The nano-technology was initially developed to harness solely solar energy. However, nowadays it has widespread uses. It exploits various alternative sources of energy like wind, solar and thermal energy. Furthermore, these highly advanced artificial plants and/or trees use tiny cells to capture energy.

6. Construction of Nano leaves:

In order to construct the nano leaves we need solar panel, thermo voltaic cell, piezo voltaic cell and photo voltaic cell. The construction of nano leaves is very easy. In this first of all we are creating two transparent conducting layers of silica which will act as the outer body of the leaf. After this we are placing one solar cell in between these two layers which is used to convert the solar energy into electrical energy then we are placing the piezovoltaic cell, thermo voltaic cell and photo voltaic cell. These all the cells are interconnected to the highly conducted metal film to complete the circuit for the flow of electrons and protons. The piezoelectric generator is placed on the bottom of the leaf which is used to convert the stress due to rain and wind into the electrical energy. Now these leaves are connected to the twigs of the artificial tree. Then these small twigs are connected to the stem of the tree with the means of the piezoelectric crystal to covert the stress of the twig also into electrical energy. The electrical energy from the all leaves and twigs is stored at the bottom of the tree by using the storing device.

Fig.(2):Construction of Nano Leaf  

7.How it works

Piezoelectric is a simple concept to generate electricity that comes from the pressure. We have used the exact meaning of the term, in order to create a sustainable energy resource by using light, heat and wind.

When the force from the outside, like the wind blowing the leaves [with the volume a little or a lot].Pd on the spot, mechanical stresses appear in the leaves, twigs, stems and braches. This process can then generate millions of watts of Pico which efficiently be converted into electricity. That way, the stronger the wind, the energy produced will be more and more distinguished. During the day, nano leaves reflect the green light in sunlight and use photoelectric nano spheres to convert the rest of the visible light into electricity. Thermoelectric nano wires /antennas convert heat from infrared light, or thermal radiation, into electricity throughout the day, since the earth continuously absorbs thermal radiation and then radiates it, even after dark. It has also found out in the research that with the right material shape and size, nano antennas could harvest up to 92% of the energy at infrared wavelengths.[3]

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Author:  admin
Posted On:  Thursday, 11 October, 2012 - 13:44

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