General Knowledge

On 7th May 2008, agni-III was test-fired. It was—

A. Ballistic Missile
B. Surface to Air Missile
C. Land to sea missile
D. Air to air missile

Ans : A

According to the World Conservation Union Report, the number of plant species in India listed as threatened is—

A. 247 plant species
B. 250 plant species
C. 275 plant species
D. 255 plant species

Ans : A

The renowned scientist John Wheeler who died in April 2008, was originally hailed from—

A. Australia
B. U.S.A.
C. Finland
D. Britain

Ans : B

Who received Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmanent and Development for 2007—

A. Bill Gates
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
D. Arthur C. Clarke

Ans : C

India’s National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country’s first—

A. Dirrohoea map
B. Malarial map
C. Bird flu map
D. Cancer map

Ans : B

The World Is What It Is’ is the biography of—

A. V. S. Naipal
B. Khushwant Singh
C. Amrita Preetam
D. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Ans : A

Tata purchased Jaguar and Rover from—

A. Hyundai
B. Maruti Suzuki
C. Ford Motor
D. None of the above

Ans : C

According to a survey, the country which has the highest number of internet users is—

A. U.S.A.
B. China
C. Japan
D. Germany

Ans : B

Which of following newspapers/magazines won six Pulitzer prizes—

A. The New York Times
B. The Times Magazine
C. The Washington Post
D. The Guardian

Ans : C

Leftism in India, 1917-1947’ is a book written by—

A. S. R. Chaudhuri
B. K. Kanwar
C. R. Nagaswamy
D. Sudipto Chatterje

Ans : A

GJM stands for—

A. General Justice Movement
B. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
C. Gorkhaland Janshakti Morcha
D. Gorkha Janjagriti Morcha

Ans : B

‘Salwa Judum’ is—

A. Terrorist organization
B. A branch of naxalite
C. Name of a police force
D. An anti naxalite movement

Ans : D

According to a research, stem cells from skin can treat—

A. Alzhumer
B. Schizophrenia
C. Parkinson’s disease
D. None of the above

Ans : C

When did the Olympic torch relay begin ?

A. in 1950
B. in 1952
C. in 1953
D. in 1963

Ans : B

The Baikonur Cosmodrome is the world’s first and largest operational space launch facility. In which country is it located?

A. France
B. Kazakhstan
C. Uzbekistan
D. Germany

Ans : B

In which year Hockey World Cup tournament started?

A. 1971
B. 1974
C. 1976
D. 1977

Ans : A

Who among the following has been nominated to become the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of New York, by US President Barack Obama?

A. Preet Bharara
B. Suresh Modi
C. Rajiv Khurana
D. Suresh Kalmadi

Ans : A

What is the name of the first setellite launched by Iran on Feb 3, 2009 ?

A. Shahab
B. Hatf
C. Zulfiqar
D. Omid

Ans : D

Recently Indian Navy commissioned INS Airavat. Which among the following terms precisely describes INS Airavat?

A. Landing Ship Tank
B. Waterjet Propelled Fast Attack Craft
C. Guided Missile Frigate
D. GPS Craft

Ans : A

In which year PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)began

A. 1995
B. 2000
C. 1999
D. 1980

Ans : D

Open Market Operation ‘ is a part of

A. Income Policy
B. Fiscal Policy
C. Credit Policy
D. Labour Policy

Ans : D

SDR, the curency of the IMF , is in the form of

A. Paper Currency
B. Gold
C. Silver and Gold both
D. Book keeping entry only

Ans : D

Who is the Author of the book “My China Diary”

A. Kanwal Sibal
B. Salman Haider
C. J.N. Dixit
D. Natwar Singh

Ans : D

Vidya Pillai is related to which sport ?

A. Snooker
B. Golf
C. Archery
D. Billiards

Ans : A

Who has become the first Indian to win two medal in a Shooting World Cup?

A. Gagan Narang
B. Sanjeev Bindra
C. Abhinav Bindra
D. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore

Ans : A

Which country has launched a navigational Satellite?

A. South Korea
B. North Korea
C. India
D. China

Ans : D

Where was Final of the Cricket World Cup 2011 played?

A. Colombo
B. Mumbai
C. New Delhi
D. Dhaka

Ans : B

When is the Commonwealth Day celebrated?

A. May-01
B. May-03
C. May-15
D. May-24

Ans : C

What is the full form of PTC ?

A. Public Transport Certificate
B. Pubic Telecommunications Council
C. Products Through Consumer
D. Pass Through Certificate

Ans : D

In India, national income is estimated by .

A. Planning Commission
B. Indian Statistical Institute
C. Central Statistical Organization
D. National Sample Survey Organization

Ans : C

Which one of the following is not an objective of fiscal policy of Indian Government?

A. Full employment
B. Regulation of inter-State trade
C. Price stability
D. Equitable distribution of wealth and income.

Ans : B

How many times has Financial Emergency been declared in India so far?

A. 5 times
B. 4 times
C. Once
D. Never

Ans : D

Which one of the following on the Consolidated Fund of India?

A. Salary and allowances of the President of India.
B. Salary and allowances of the Vice President of India.
C. Salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
D. Salary and allowances of the Justices of the Supreme Court of India.

Ans : B

The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is

A. Bhutan
B. China
C. Burma
D. Tahiland

Ans : A

The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is

A. Indonasia
B. Russisa
C. Korea
D. Qatar

Ans : C

The country known as the Land of White Elephant is

A. Germany
B. Thailand
C. France
D. Sumatra

Ans : B

The principal export of Jamaica is

A. Rice
B. Iron
C. Jute
D. Sugar

Ans : D

The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was

A. Margaret Thatcher
B. Diana
C. Queen Elizabeth
D. Margaret Thakker

Ans : A

The port of Banku is situated in

A. Uzbekistan
B. Afganistan
C. Azerbaijan
D. Pakistan

Ans : C

The largest river in France is

A. Nile
B. Lore
C. Amazon
D. Jare

Ans : B

The place known as the Roof of the world is

A. Korea
B. Burma
C. Tibet
D. Dhaka

Ans : C

The country known as the land of the midnight sun is

A. Denmark
B. Norway
C. Belgium
D. Holland

Ans : B

The founder of modern Germany is

A. Bismark
B. Napolean
C. Hitler
D. Benjamin Lucas

Ans : A

World literacy day is celebrated on

A. 5th June
B. 8th December
C. 26th January
D. 24th March

Ans : B

The largest coffee growing country in the world is

A. Sri Lanka
B. Brazil
C. Denmark
D. Argentina

Ans : B

The Japanese call their country as

A. Dupont
B. Ohio
C. Nippon
D. Tokyo

Ans : C

The biggest desert in the world is the

A. Thar
B. Dubai Desert
C. Sahara
D. Saudi Arabia

Ans : C

The biggest delta in the world is the

A. Amazon
B. Sunderbans
C. Greenland
D. Sicily

Ans : B

The biggest island of the world is

A. Iceland
B. Greenland
C. England
D. Port Blair

Ans : B

The country called the Land of Rising Sun is

A. Norway
B. Germany
C. Holland
D. Japan

Ans : D

The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is

A. Java
B. Sumatra
C. Cuba
D. Korea

Ans : C

The world’s largest diamond producing country is

A. South Africa
B. South Korea
C. South Wales
D. France

Ans : A

Australia was discovered by

A. James Cook
B. John Cook
C. David Cook
D. William Cook

Ans : A

The first Governor General of Pakistan is

A. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
B. Zulfigar Ali Bhutto
C. Zia ul Huq
D. Mujibur Rahman

Ans : A

The Eifel tower was built by

A. James Eiffel
B. Alexander Eiffel
C. Alfred Eiffel
D. Bernard Eiffel

Ans : B

The national flower of Britain is

A. Rose
B. Lily
C. Jasmine
D. Tulip

Ans : A

The UNO was formed in the year

A. 1950
B. 1945
C. 1925
D. 1935

Ans : B

Julius Caesar was killed by

A. Brutus
B. Macbeth
C. Othello
D. Hitler

Ans : A

The Angel Falls is located in

A. Venezuela
B. Cuba
C. Brazil
D. Tibet

Ans : A

The Headquarters of textile manufacturing in England is

A. Manchester
B. Leicester
C. Southampton
D. Colchester

Ans : A

Yoghurt means

A. Pasteurised Milk
B. Toned Milk
C. Fermented Curd
D. Fermented Milk

Ans : D

What is the full form of GPRS?

A. Global Position Radar System
B. Global Packet Radar System
C. Global Packet Radio Service
D. Global Packet Radio System

Ans : C

Ascorbic Acid is

A. Vitamin E
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin B12

Ans : B

What is full form of CEO

A. Chief Education Officer
B. Chief Election Officer
C. Chief Executive Officer
D. Chief Endorsement Officer

Ans : C

The headquarters of World Bank is located at

A. Washington DC
B. Ottawa
C. London
D. Tokyo

Ans : A

An animal which can't Jump

A. Lion
B. Tiger
C. Rhinocerous
D. Elephant

Ans : D

A country never invaded any country in her histroy

A. England
B. U.S.A.
C. Germany
D. India

Ans : D

only food that doesn’t spoil

A. Honey
B. Pickle
C. Burger
D. Pizza

Ans : A

The most common name in the world is

A. Mustafa
B. James
C. Williams
D. Mohammad

Ans : D

Butterflies taste with their

A. Antenna
B. Feet
C. Wings
D. Tongue

Ans : B

How many languages are there in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India ?

A. Eighteen languages
B. Nineteen languages
C. Sixteen languages
D. Twenty two languages
Ans : D

In which list does the Union Government enjoy exclusive powers in India?

A. Union List
B. State List
C. Concurrent List
D. Both (A) and (B).
Ans : A

Who said “Patriotisrn is religion and religion is love for India”

A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Raj Narain Bose
C. Bankim Chandra Chatterji
D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans : A

Which of the following is not a representative of Buddhist art ?

A. Stupa
B. Vihara
C. Chaitya
D. Relic Towers
Ans : D

The masterpieces of Mauryan art were the-

A. Stupas
B. Sculptures
C. Ashoka Pillars
D. Both (B) and (C)
Ans : C

The Indus Valley civilization was discovered in the year-

A. 1922
B. 1910
C. 1822
D. 1824

Ans : A

The aspect of the caste system which was particularly condemned by all social reformers was named

A. Varna system
B. ]ati system
C. Ashram system
D. Untouchability

Ans : D

Which of the following monuments was built in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in World War I ?

A. Gateway of lndia
B. India Gate
C. Vijay Path
D. Victoria Memorial Hall
Ans : B

Shiv Nadar is related to which of the following companies?

B. Infosys
C. Wipro

Ans : D

Which among the following is the main source of “Synthetic Fuel”?

A. Plastic
B. Biomass
C. Coal
D. Municipal Waste

Ans : C

What was UNIVAC?

A. A computer
B. A Super computer
C. A software Programme
D. A Computer Company
Ans : A

Which among the following is NOT a classical language?

A. Tamil
B. Telugu
C. Kannada
D. Malayalam
Ans : D

Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir is from which country?

A. Sudan
B. Nigeria
C. Congo
D. Somalia
Ans : A

Which among the following are TOP 3 debtors of World Bank ?

A. India, South Africa, Mexico
B. India, Mexico, South Africa
C. India, Mexico, Pakistan
D. Mexico, India, South Africa
Ans : A

Which among the following state was India’s largest Rice Producer?

A. Tamilnadu
B. Andhrapradesh
C. Punjab
D. Karnataka
Ans : B

Which among the following bank has the largest ATM network in the country?

B. State Bank of India
Ans : B

A "biological death" occurs/takes place when

A. there is no pulse and heartbeat
B. pupils show no reaction to light
C. all the body cells die after a few hours of clinical death
D. pupils are fixed and dilated
Ans : B

A bat is

A. Mammal
B. a reptile
C. a bird
D. an avian
Ans : A

Who is the top run getter in Cricket World Cup 2011?

A. Kumar Sangakara
B. Sachin Tendulkar
C. TM Dilshan
D. Gautam Gambhir
Ans : C

India won the Cricket World Cup 1983 by defeating -

A. Autralia
B. West Indies
C. England
D. South Africa

Ans : B

Who made the fastest hundred in Cricket World Cup 2011?

A. Virat Kohli
B. Sachin Tendulkar
C. K. J. O Brein
D. Chris Gayle
Ans : C

Which team posted highest team total in Cricket World Cup 2011?

A. South Africa
B. India
C. West Indies
D. Sri Lanka
Ans : B

Which country has planned road link to India?

A. Vietnam
B. Laos
C. Malaysia
D. Indonesia
Ans : D

Member of Parliament's Constituency fund has been hiked up to -

A. 6 crores
B. 3 crores
C. 4 crores
D. 5 crores
Ans : D

Who is the new Chairman of FICCI taking charge on March 1, 2011 is -

A. Rajan Bharati Mittal
B. Swati Piramal
C. Harsh C. Meriwala
D. Amit Mitra
Ans : C

As per Forbes annual list of the world's top billionaries 2011, which of the following Indian got the highest rank among Indians?

A. Azim Premji
B. Laxmi N. Mittal
C. Gautam Adani
D. Mukesh Ambani
Ans : B

Which state in India shows the lowest population as per Census 2011?

A. Manipur
B. Sikkim
C. Puducherry
D. Arunachal Pradesh

Ans : B

The book "Unto the Last" which influenced Gandhiji, was written by?

A. Pushkin
B. Ruskin Bond
C. John Ruskin
D. Stalin
Ans : C

Which one of the following is the sweetest natural sugar?

A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Lactose
D. Sucrose

Ans : B

In India monsoon rainfall is mostly

A. Cyclonic
B. Convectional
C. Orographic
D. Convectional and Cyclonic

Ans : D