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Software E-Books

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Designing and Building Parallel Programs Download Designing and Building Parallel Programs   E-Book
In the 1980s it was believed computer performance was best improved by creating faster and more e cient processors. This idea was challenged by parallel processing, which in essence means linking together two or more computers to jointly solve a computational problem. Since the early 1990s there has been an increasing trend to move away from expensive and specialized proprietary parallel supercomputers vector-supercomputers and massively parallel processors towards networks of com- puters PCs Workstations SMPs.
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Demystifying SNA Download Demystifying SNA  E-Book
This white paper is designed to give readers a pragmatic understandin of the technology used to deliver WAN Services,with growing number of telecommunicatioons carriers and service providers now offering layer2 and layer3 network services,Australian businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to achive a perfect fit between their needs and the sevices they purchase
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Database Systems: Concepts, Languages and Architectures Download Database Systems: Concepts, Languages and Architectures   E-Book
Database Management Systems (DBMSs) are a ubiquitous and critical component of modern computing, and the result of decades of research and development in both academia and industry. Historically, DBMSs were among the earliest multi-user server systems to be developed, and thus pioneered many systems design techniques for scalability and relia- bility now in use in many other contexts.
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Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ Download Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++   E-Book
This book serves as an introduction to the C++ language. It teaches how to program in C++ and how to properly use its features. It does not attempt to teach object-oriented design to any depth, which I believe is best covered in a book in its own right.
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Data Compression Book Download Data Compression Book   E-Book
This book will not take a comprehensive look at every variety of data compression. The field has grown in the last 25 years to a point where this is simply not possible. What this book will cover are the various types of data compression commonly used on personal and midsized computers, including compression of binary programs, data, sound, and graphics.
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Cyberia: Life in the Trenches of Hyperspace Download Cyberia: Life in the Trenches of Hyperspace  E-Book
This book is not a survey of everything and everyone "cyber" but rather a tour through some of the regions of this new, fledgling culture to which I was lucky enough to gain access. Looking back, it is surprising to see how many of these then-absurd notions have become accepted truths, and disheartening to see how many of the most optimistic appraisals of our future are still very far from being realized.
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Cyber-Posture of the National Information Infrastructure Download Cyber-Posture of the National Information Infrastructure   E-Book
This report discusses the vulnerability of the national information infrastructure to external attacks and other kinds of disruptions.It assesses the extent of the data available for measuring this threat and discusses steps that private industry and the federal government can take to reduce national vulnerability
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Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society Download Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society  E-Book
The title of this report is Cryptography’s Role in Securing the Information Society. The committee chose this title as one best describing our inquiry and report--that is, the committee has tried to focus on the role that cryptography, as one of a number of tools and technologies,
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Creating Web Applets with Java Download Creating Web Applets with Java   E-Book
Java has been presented in many different ways by many different interests, but at the heart of all the Java hype is the language itself. Many people are confused or scared about what using Java means. What we hope to accomplish with this book is to provide you with some answers.
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Creating a GUI with JFC Swing Download Creating a GUI with JFC Swing   E-Book
Besides having the usual advantages of a book (such as portability and readability) this 950-page tome contains a CD that has API documentation, the JFC 1.1 and JDK 1.1 releases, the latest available releases of the Java 2 SDK, and lots of other goodies.
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