Grid Computing

Introduction to Grid Technology Introduction to Grid Technology Notes
  As I am usually asked a simple explanation of what the grid is by my collegues and by people without a deep knowledge of distributed computation, the present notes are intended as a very brief and simple introduction to the basic grid concepts that may be needed by non-specialist users to access grid facilities.
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Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture Notes
  We describe R-GMA (Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture) which has been developed within the European DataGrid Project as a Grid Information and Monitoring System. Is is based on the GMA from GGF, which is a simple Consumer-Producer model. The special strength of this implementation comes from the power of the relational model.
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Grid Middleware Grid Middleware Notes
  A mediator layer that provide a consistent and homogeneous access to resources managed locally with different syntax and access methods
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Grid Database Access, Management and Integration  Grid Database Access, Management and Integration Notes
  Grids encourage and promote the publication, sharing and integration of scientific data, distributed across Virtual Organizations. Scientists and researchers (from bioinformatics, astrophysics, etc.) work on huge, complex and growing datasets.
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Grid Computing Lecture Grid Computing Lecture Notes
  The technology landscape,Grid computing,The Globus Toolkit Applications and technologies
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Security for Grid Services Security for Grid Services Notes
  Grid computing is concerned with the sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in distributed "virtual organizations.” The dynamic and multi-institutional nature of these environments introduces challenging security issues that demand new technical approaches.
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A Simple Case Study of a Grid Performance System A Simple Case Study of a Grid Performance System Notes
  The Global Grid Forum Performance Working Group has been developing a Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) that outlines one possible approach toward monitoring resources and applications in a Grid environment.
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A Grid Monitoring Architecture Basics A Grid Monitoring Architecture Basics Notes
  Large distributed systems such as Computational and Data Grids require that a substantial amount of monitoring data be collected for various tasks such as fault detection, performance analysis, performance tuning, performance prediction, and scheduling
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Austrian Grid Austrian Grid Notes
  Abstract In this paper, we compare two implementations of a grid-based software system on the grid middleware Globus Toolkit 4 and gLite, respectively.
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DOE Science Grid DOE Science Grid Notes
  We propose a multi-laboratory Collaboratory Pilot aimed at defining, integrating, deploying, supporting, evaluating, refining, and developing (as necessary), the persistent Grid services needed for a scalable, robust, high-performance DOE Science Grid, thus creating the underpinnings for a DOE Science Grid Collaboratory Software Environment. This Grid will provide to applications and workflow systems persistent services for security, resource discovery, resource access, system monitoring, and so on.
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Data Management System for grid and portal services Data Management System for grid and portal services Notes
  Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center has been involved in continuous research concerning the development of gridportal environments. In the scope of the PROGRESS project, we have designed and implemented the Data Management System (DMS).
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Concepts and Architecture of Grid Computing Concepts and Architecture of Grid Computing Notes
  Grid users: who are they?, Concept of the Grid, Challenges for the Grid Evolution of Grid systems, Model of the Grid architecture, Condor-G: Globus and Condor Applications
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The Anatomy and Physiology of the Grid Revisited The Anatomy and Physiology of the Grid Revisited Notes
  In this paper, we revisit the widely cited domainspecific software architecture (DSSA) for the domain of grid computing We have comprehensively studied 18 grid systems over the past five years, observing that, while individual grid systems are widely used and deemed successful
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A Grid Monitoring Architecture A Grid Monitoring Architecture Notes
  The ability to monitor and manage distributed computing components is critical for enabling high-performance distributed computing. Monitoring data is needed to determine the source of performance problems and to tune the system and application for better performance
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