Real Time Systems

Uniprocessor Uniprocessor Notes
  Primary Version Completes Successfully such reclamination can result in time becoming avaliable for other primaries to be executed
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Scheduling Real Time Systems Scheduling Real Time Systems Notes
  Important classical Scheduling theory results for real-time computing are identified.Implications of these results from the prespective of a real-time systems designer are discussed.
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Scheduling Scheduling Notes
  Introduction,Rate monotonic analysis,Other uniprocessor scheduling algorithms Task assignment,Fault-tolerant scheduling
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Real-Time Systems Real-Time Systems Notes
  Real-Time systems are becoming pervasive. Typical examples of real-time systems include Air Traffic Control Systems, Networked Multimedia Systems, Command Control Systems etc. In a Real-Time System the correctness of the system behavior depends not only on the logical results of the computations, but also on the physical instant at which these results are produced. Real-Time systems are classified from a number of viewpoints
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Real-Time-Communication Real-Time-Communication Notes
  Real Time Communications In most data communications, important that data arrives reliably,Would like it to be fast, but prefer reliable Often characterised as elastic applications,In real time communications it is important that the message arrives in a timely manner.Timeliness may be more important than reliability, Messages may have priority
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Realtime-Communication Realtime-Communication Notes
  RealTime Communication in Applications,Basic Concept, Type of Networking,Quality of Service etc
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Real-Time Scheduling Real-Time Scheduling Notes
  Real Time System,The Problem,Classification of Scheduling Algorithms,Uni-Processor Scheduling,Earliest Deadline First Traditional rate-monotonic scheduling
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Real Time Vs General Purpose Databases Real Time Vs General Purpose Databases Notes
  The queries associated with a Real time databases are associated with a deadline, there may be some response after the queries passed the deadlines.The data returned in response to a query must have absolute and relative consistency.
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Real Time Database Real Time Database Notes
  An Informal Definition of Real-Time Databases,A real-time database system is a database system in which a timely response to a user request is needed.Types of Real-Time Database Systems,Hard real-time database systems, e.g., safety-critical system such as an early warning system, etc.Soft real-time database systems, e.g., banking system, airline reservation system, digital library, stock market system, etc.Mixed real-time database systems, e.g., air traffic control system, etc.
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Issues Issues Notes
  Issues in Building Real-Time Appliation ,Issues in Real-Time Computing,Structure of A Real-Time System,Task Classes Issues and Research, Issues for Programming Environment,Issues for Timer Drifting,Timeline or Cyclic Executive
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Fault Tolerent Fault Tolerent Notes
  This paper presents a case study on the combined use of different tools and techniques for the validation and evaluation, from the early stages of the design, of a fault tolerant software mechanism named distributed synchronization The mechanism has been specified using UML state charts and sequence diagrams. A number of Stochastic Well-formed Nets (SWN)models have been derived from the specifications: they have been composed using the tool algebra, and the resulting model has been model-checked using the PROD tool for temporal logic properties, thanks to a GreatSPN-to-PROD translator. The quantitative analysis has been performed using the SWN solvers of the Great- SPN tool.
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FailureHandling FailureHandling Notes
  We present a model for reflecting failures at the level of entities in a distributed programming language. The model favors asynchronous failure handling, where the failure is notified independently of the entity's usage (sort of failure listener). We think that this model is more expressive than exception based failure reflection.
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Network Reliability Calculation Methods Network Reliability Calculation Methods Notes
  This report is extracted from [13], a 1993 report with limited distribution. Some abridgement and all references to specific military systems or applications have been removed to produce this extract.
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Database for Hard Real time Systems Database for Hard Real time Systems Notes
  Databases for real time systems are meant for the use of both hard and soft systems. Since hard real time systems needs strict timing constraints, conventional disk based databases are not suitable, but soft real time systems makes use of disk based systems through FCFS, Elevator or scan policy algorithm.
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Global Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks Global Clock Synchronization in Sensor Networks Notes
  Global synchronization is crucial to many sensor network applications that require precise mapping of the collected sensor data with the time of the events, for example in tracking and surveillance. It also plays an important role in energy conservation in MAC layer protocols.
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Clock Synchronization with NTP Clock Synchronization with NTP Notes
  Over time, a computer's clock is prone to drift. The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is one way to ensure your clock stays accurate.
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