Mars - An alternate "earth"?
The fourth planet from the Sun and very often referred to as the Red Planet, Mars has been attracting human curiosity since time immemorial. The Romans named the planet "Mars" in honor of their god of war. The ancient Egyptians named it Her Descher, which means the red one. Easily visible to the naked eye in the night sky, Mars earns its nickname from the distinct reddish/pink hue of its rocks, soil and sky.
While Martians invading Earth has been a favorite of sci-fi writers, there are enough suspicions of extraterrestrial life, to lure "earthlings" away from home and explore the potential of living in other worlds. and Mars seems to be a first stop. Lets find out more about this fascinating planet of the solar system.
The Red Planet in focus
All that you need to know - the climate, weather, life and life support, news updates and lots more.
Martian Must-Knows
Mars is home to the largest volcano.the deepest canyon in the solar system.crazy weather and temperatures. Is it really a home away from home? How different is it from our planet. Read on for must-know facts about Mars.
Missions to the Red Planet
The first close-up of Mars was captured when the spacecraft Mariner flew past it on July 14, 1965. There have been umpteen missions, since, each more probing than the previous, Mars-bound. Read on to find out
What's happening in Mars?
Curious to know the latest - on present and future missions.fact images and more? Just a click away...
Picking the crew
The endless details and preparations that go into making an expedition to Mars, and conditioning the crew, guidelines, equipment and more.
A timeline of Mars exploration
Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A) - 10 October - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
Marsnik 2 (Mars 1960B) - 14 October - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
Sputnik 22 - 24 October - Attempted Mars Flyby
Mars 1 - 1 November - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost)
Sputnik 24 - 4 November - Attempted Mars Lander
Mariner 3 - 5 November - Attempted Mars Flyby
Mariner 4 - 28 November - Mars Flyby
Zond 2 - 30 November - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost)
Zond 3 - 18 July - Lunar Flyby, Mars Test Vehicle
Mariner 6 - 25 February - Mars Flyby
Mariner 7 - 27 March - Mars Flyby
Mars 1969A - 27 March - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Launch Failure)
Mars 1969B - 2 April - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Launch Failure)
Mariner 8 - 8 May - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
Cosmos 419 - 10 May - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Lander
Mars 2 - 19 May - Mars Orbiter/ Attempted Lander
Mars 3 - 28 May - Mars Orbiter/ Lander
Mariner 9 - 30 May - Mars Orbiter
Mars 4 - 21 July - Mars Flyby (Attempted Mars Orbiter)
Mars 5 - 25 July - Mars Orbiter
Mars 6 - 5 August - Mars Lander (Contact Lost)
Mars 7 - 9 August - Mars Flyby (Attempted Mars Lander)
Viking 1 - 20 August - Mars Orbiter and Lander
Viking 2 - 9 September - Mars Orbiter and Lander
Phobos 1 - 7 July - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Phobos Landers
Phobos 2 - 12 July - Mars Orbiter/Attempted Phobos Landers
Mars Observer - 25 September - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Contact Lost)
Mars Global Surveyor - 07 November - Mars Orbiter
Mars 96 - 16 November - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Landers
Mars Pathfinder - 04 December - Mars Lander and Rover
Nozomi (Planet-B) - 3 July - Mars Orbiter
Mars Climate Orbiter - 11 December - Attempted Mars Orbiter
Mars Polar Lander - 3 January - Attempted Mars Lander
Deep Space 2 (DS2) - 3 January - Attempted Mars Penetrators
Mars Odyssey - 7 April - Mars Orbiter
Mars Express - 2 June - Mars Orbiter and Lander
Mars Exploration Rover 1 - 6 June - Mars Rover
Mars Exploration Rover 2 - 25 June - Mars Rover
Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter - July - Mars Orbiter
Mars 2007 - Late 2007 - Mobile Scientific Laboratory, Small Scout Missions
Netlanders - Late 2007 - Mars Netlanders
Mars 2009- Late 2009 - Possible Communications Satellite, Small Net-Landers
(Source: National Space Science Data Center - NSSDC )
The Mars Desert Research Station and other projects If you are interested in the research activities in and about Mars, these are some useful links.
Life on Mars - An update
The argument goes researchers continue to debate over whether there is life or not in Mars. take for instance a meteorite, which seems to contain signs of ancient Martian life. read the article by Michael Ray Taylor.
Read about what it takes to live in space.the lifestyles of astronauts and so on.
Plants on a mission to Mars
A combination of three highly advanced modern sciences - biotechnology, genetics and space exploration - as researchers attempt to set the stage for a colony of humans on Mars. If all goes as planned, 10 varieties of the plant could be on their way to the red planet as part of a mission scheduled by NASA for 2007. Read the full story.