Lamentations at Eventide
Kural - 1221
Thou art not evening, but a spear that doth devour
The souls of brides; farewell, thou evening hour!
Meaning : Live, O you evening are you (the former) evening? No, you are the season that slays (married) women.
Kural - 1222
Thine eye is sad; Hail, doubtful hour of eventide!
Of cruel eye, as is my spouse, is too thy bride?
Meaning : A long life to you, O dark evening! You are sightless. Is your help-mate (also) as hard-hearted as mine.
Kural - 1223
With buds of chilly dew wan evening's shade enclose;
My anguish buds space and all my sorrow grows.
Meaning : The evening that (once) came in with trembling and dimness (now) brings me an aversion for life and increasing sorrow.
Kural - 1224
When absent is my love, the evening hour descends,
As when an alien host to field of battle wends.
Meaning : In the absence of my lover, evening comes in like slayers on the field of slaughter.
Kural - 1225
O morn, how have I won thy grace? thou bring'st relief
O eve, why art thou foe! thou dost renew my grief.
Meaning : What good have I done to morning (and) what evil to evening?
Kural - 1226
The pangs that evening brings I never knew,
Till he, my wedded spouse, from me withdrew.
Meaning : Previous to my husband's departure, I know not the painful nature of evening.
Kural - 1227
My grief at morn a bud, all day an opening flower,
Full-blown expands in evening hour.
Meaning : This malady buds forth in the morning, expands all day long and blossoms in the evening.
Kural - 1228
The shepherd's pipe is like a murderous weapon, to my ear,
For it proclaims the hour of ev'ning's fiery anguish near.
Meaning : The shepherd's flute now sounds as a fiery forerunner of night, and is become a weapon that slays (me).
Kural - 1229
If evening's shades, that darken all my soul, extend;
From this afflicted town will would of grief ascend.
Meaning : When night comes on confusing (everyone's) mind, the (whole) town will lose its sense and be plunged in sorrow.
Kural - 1230
This darkening eve, my darkling soul must perish utterly;
Remembering him who seeks for wealth, but seeks not me.
Meaning : My (hitherto) unextinguished life is now lost in this bewildering night at the thought of him who has the nature of wealth.