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 Network Security And Firewalls Download Network Security And Firewalls
No one could have ever imagined that the immense potential and benefits of creating and using small as well as large networks would also come packed with a hidden factor which would make the network highly vulnerable to the outside world and its miscreants. Networks and the Internet are rapidly expanding sectors of the computing market. Many companies, organizations, and indeed individuals have installed such systems without realizing the risks they are running. This paper examines those risks and their solutions. Since the advent of the Internet many people have sought for the problem of creating an impregnable, user friendly, firewall. The constant threat of the "hacker" and "cracker" has never been so acknowledged as has been in the last three years. Coupled with the business need for being able to conduct Electronic Commerce on the Internet safely has led the industry toward the construction of the perfect firewall.
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 Magnetic random access memory Download Magnetic random access memory
You hit the power button on your television and it instantly comes to life. But do the same thing with your computer and you have to wait a few minutes while it goes through its boot-up sequence. Why can't we have a computer that turns on as instantly as a television or radio? IBM, in cooperation with Infenion, is promising to launch a new technology that will eliminate the boot-up process. Magnetic random access memory (MRAM) has the potential to store more data, access that data faster and use less power than current memory technologies.
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 Mobile Train Radio Communication Download Mobile Train Radio Communication
Each mobile uses a separate, temporary radio channel to talk to the cell site. The cell site talks to many mobiles at once, using one channel per mobile. Channels use a pair of frequencies for communication. One for transmitting from the cell site, the forward link, and one frequency for the cell site to receive calls from the users, the reverse link. Communication between mobile units can be either half-duplex or full-duplex. In case of half-duplex, transmit and receive communications between the mobile units are not at the same time, i.e. talking and listening can not be done at the same time. In case of full-duplex communication, transmit and receive communication is at the same time, i.e. one can talk and listen at the same time.
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 Mobile IP for Wireless Devices Download Mobile IP for Wireless Devices
The convergence of three technology paradigms, viz. light-weight portable computers, the spread of wireless networks and services, and the ubiquitous Internet, aimed at allowing users the freedom to connect to the Internet at any time and in any place, to read email, query databases, retrieve information from the web or to entertain themselves, makes mobile computing a very promising prospect as well as a very formidable challenge. This paper details the mechanism of operation of Mobile IP network protocol, designed and developed to enable efficient and effective communication between a mobile host and a remote server. The paper then also looks at the efficiency versus effectiveness trade-off, the issues of network security against malicious masqueraders and other areas of current research interest.
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 Intrusion detection systems Download Intrusion detection systems
With hacker attacks against well-known businesses and organizations on the rise, network security has made headlines. Of course, there are many attacks that do not make headlines and are not reported due to a loss of credibility or embarrassment. Then there are the attacks that are not even detected. The Defence Information Services Agency (DISA) states that up to 98% of attacks go unnoticed. These revelations have caused many businesses to rethink or to start thinking about the security of their own networks. For some organizations security has always been a concern, for these organizations they were ahead of the game and already had a basic security policy in place. Security of a network cannot be trusted to just one method of security; it must consist of many layers of security measures. These security measures may consist of, strong passwords, screening routers, firewalls, proxy servers, and intrusion detection systems. Intrusion detection systems, also known as IDSs. An IDS is an important part of modern network security. Intrusion detection is the monitoring of a computer network with the goal of detecting an attack. IDSs do this well, but must be used in conjunction with other security measures.
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 How an Intruder get access in a System ? Download How an Intruder get access in a System ?
In this paper I've tried to aware the upcoming System programmers that in this era of Hi-Tech where concepts &things are changing every day how to be secure & also save Important confidential Data , .I've learned about a large amount of system accessing and network attack tool practice in the past and here is what I consider the most common methods for gaining access to a target host. Most will notice that the attacks are not very "high-tech". Unfortunately they don't have to be, they just need to work and if you can perform all of these attacks I can guarantee a high success rate in system cracking.
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 Introduction to Intel® NetBurstTM Micro-architecture and review of Pentium 4 microprocessor Download Introduction to Intel® NetBurstTM Micro-architecture and review of Pentium 4 microprocessor
The new Intel Pentium 4 processor is the latest generation of the Intel IA-32 architecture. Formerly code-named "Willamette" the Pentium 4 processor introduces significant architecture advances over the previous 32-bit P6 processor family consisting of the Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III processors. The Intel® Pentium® 4 processor, Intel's most advanced, most powerful processor, is based on the new Intel® NetBurst™ micro-architecture. The Pentium 4 processor is designed to deliver performance across applications and usages where end users can truly appreciate and experience the performance. These applications include Internet audio and streaming video, image processing, video content creation, speech, 3D, CAD, games, multi-media, and multi-tasking user environments.
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 Internet Speech Download Internet Speech
As Internet access becomes a basic necessity, alternative ways to go on-line without a computer will be required by mobile professionals, the visually impaired, and people without access to computers. Voice/speech based interface options will become an important part of the overall solution to access the Internet content. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the existing Voice technologies and how these technologies can be successfully integrated into useful applications of greater value than their individual components.
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 A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Internet Security Download A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Internet Security
Today, the World Wide Web is used for information, commerce, news, weather, music, telephony, audio and video conferencing, database access, file sharing, with new features cropping up almost daily. Each has its own security concerns and weaknesses. The frequency and sophistication of Internet attacks have increased. These changes in the Internet community and its security needs prompted the first bona fide defense measures. The network must be protected from outside attacks that could cause loss of information, breakdowns in network integrity, or breaches in security. As the Internet has matured, however, so have the threats to its safe use, and so must the security paradigms used to enable business use of the Internet. This paper summarizes a multi-dimensional approach (which is mandatory these days to discourage ever-more sophisticated threats to the network) to security in the present scenario as against a single-dimensional approach, which is no longer adequate, and very much a popular target to attack.
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 Intelligent Information Retriever Inception of Artificial Intelligence in Search Engines Download Intelligent Information Retriever Inception of Artificial Intelligence in Search Engines
The World Wide Web has become an invaluable information resource but the explosion of information available via the web has made web search a time consuming and complex process. Index-based search engines, such as AltaVista, Google or Infoseek help, but they are not enough. This paper describes the rationale, architecture, and implementation of a next generation information gathering system – a system that integrates several areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research under a single umbrella. Our solution to the information explosion is an information gathering agent, IIR , that plans to gather information to support a decision process, reasons about the resource trade-offs of different possible gathering approaches, extracts information from both unstructured and structured documents, and uses the extracted information to refine its search and processing activities.
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