Universities in Switzerland
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Address: Bahhofstrasse 102, 5000 Aarau
Email: info.hgk@fhnw.ch
Phone: +41 61 695 67 71
Website: http://www.fhnw.ch/
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Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Address: Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 632 11 11
Website: https://www.ethz.ch/
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Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne
Address: Route Cantonale, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 11 11
Website: http://www.epfl.ch/
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St.Gallen University of Applied Sciences
Address: Rosenbergstrasse 59
St Gallen
Phone: +41 71 226 14 00
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Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Address: Technikumstrasse 21, 6048 Horw Luzern, Switzerland
Phone: +41 41 349 33 11
Website: http://english.hslu.ch/
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Bern University of Applied Sciences
Address: Pestalozzistrasse 20, 3401 Burgdorf, Switzerland
Phone: +41 34 426 41 41
Website: https://www.bfh.ch/
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