Universities in Auckland
Auckland University of Technology
Address: Building WA - level 2
55 Wellesley Street East
Auckland Central 1010
New Zealand
Email: studentcentre@aut.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 921 9999
Website: http://www.aut.ac.nz
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Massey University
Address: Massey University Albany
Private Bag 102904
North Shore
North Shore City
New Zealand
Email: contact@massey.ac.nz
Phone: +64 6 350 5701
Website: http://www.massey.ac.nz
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University of Auckland
Address: The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: studentinfo@auckland.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 373 7513
Website: http://www.auckland.ac.nz/
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Whitecliffe College of Art & Design
Address: Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design
PO Box 8192 Symonds Street
Auckland, New Zealand
Email: info@whitecliffe.ac.nz
Phone: +64 9 309 5970
Website: http://www.whitecliffe.ac.nz
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