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Software E-Books

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E-business Application Solutions Using Java: Volume I Download E-business Application Solutions Using Java: Volume I  E-Book
This redbook covers many aspects of Java in relation to the OS/390 platform. It focuses mainly on running server-side Java in the form of servlets or Java Server Pages, and provides a technical overview of the new native code compiler for Java on OS/390. It also explains SQLJ, which is a new technique for accessing DB2 databases.
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E-business Application Solutions on OS/390 Using Java: Samples Download E-business Application Solutions on OS/390 Using Java: Samples  E-Book
This booklet contains information regarding the contents of the enclosed CD-ROM. The samples on this CD have been developed in conjunction with the writing of redbook e-business Application Solutions on OS/390 Using Java, Vol. I, SG24-5342. You may find it necessary to refer to that book for further information on the required environment in which the samples run.
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DSL Download DSL  E-Book
The purpose of this paper is to determine the technology used, components, and similarities of DSL and Cable Modems. This paper will introduce the history of DSL, Cable Modems, the concepts, industry players, cost, security, and countries where the technologies are currently used. A combination of techniques will be used to gather research information on this paper. At the conclusion of this paper the reader should have a clear understanding of which technology is better, DSL or Cable Modem.
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DNS and BIND, 3rd Edition Download DNS and BIND, 3rd Edition  E-Book
This book is intended for a technical audience and system administrators who manage Linux servers, but it also includes material for home users and others. It discusses how to install and setup a Red Hat Linux Server with all the necessary security and optimization for a high performance Linux specific machine
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Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Safety and Reliability Issues Download Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: Safety and Reliability Issues  E-Book
The purpose of this text is to describe instrumentation and control systems of a safety protection system and a main control room using digital technology that perform the centralized operation of a nuclear power plant. The reason is shown first why it is necessary to make a point to the use of digital technology although products using digital technology are all over the place in our daily life.
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Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age Download Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age  E-Book
Advances in technology have often posed challenges for intellectual property (IP) law. Congress has, for instance, periodically amended copyright law to regulate new technology products (such as photographs, motion pictures, sound recordings, and cable television) or new uses of works made possible by advances of technology.1 In addition, new technologies have often given rise to contentious copyright litigations, such as those involving photocopying of scientific articles and home videotaping.
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Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communications Terms Download Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communications Terms  E-Book
For a Microsoft Windows user first delving into the world of Linux , there are many new terms to learn. This glossary explains briefly the meaning and significance of many of the terms, acronyms, and abbreviations common to Linux products. (Some of these terms are not specific to Linux, but still may be new to many Windows users.) This document should help lessen some of the confusion surrounding Linux; however, most common hardware, software, and communications terms are not included here, because they are easily found elsewhere.
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Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View Download Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View   E-Book
This book is the culmination of many years of experience in using Visual Basic and SQL Server to build first client/server, and then, with the advent of MTS, distributed applications. Although many would say that this combination of tools is incapable of developing sophisticated enterprise applications, I offer up the techniques outlined in this book as a counter-argument.
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Developing e-business Applications Using Lotus Enterprise Solution Builder R3.0 Download Developing e-business Applications Using Lotus Enterprise Solution Builder R3.0   E-Book
This redbook is espec ially des igned for users who plan to accessenter prise backend systems from E S B. I t includes sample programs that we retested error free and run on the ESBR3.0 environment .
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Developing a Digital National Library for Undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education Download Developing a Digital National Library for Undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education   E-Book
The emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) in the early 1990’s as a vi- able means for national and international sharing and re-use of education materials fun- damentally changed our view of the way education and learning can be delivered. Inter- net-mediated learning environments provide mechanisms for the learner to be anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
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