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Software E-Books

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Getting Started with Erlang Download Getting Started with Erlang  E-Book
This is a “kick start” tutorial to get you started with Erlang. Everything here is true, but only part of the truth. For example, I'll only tell you the simplest form of the syntax, not all esoteric forms. Where I've greatly oversimplified things I'll write *manual* which means there is lots more information to be found in the Erlang book or in the Erlang Reference Manual.
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General Drawing Kit [GDK] Download General Drawing Kit [GDK]  E-Book
GDK is free ; this means that everyone is free to use it and free to redestribute it on a free basis. GDK is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of GDK that they might get from you.
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Future of Information Download Future of Information  E-Book
The energy at this conference was incredible. This was the first large scale gathering of the information architecture community in history. And we were at the pinnacle of the internet revolution. Stock valuations and salaries were going through the roof. We were all overworked, living on internet time, but loving it all the same. The SIG-IA discussion group spun out of this event, and a community was born.
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Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research Download Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research  E-Book
This report assesses the status and direction of the Federal Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program. Responsibility for assessment of the NITRD Program, origi- nally assigned to the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC), was transferred to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in 2005.
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Fun and Games with FreeBSD Kernel Modules Download Fun and Games with FreeBSD Kernel Modules  E-Book
The widely used FreeBSD UNIX-like oper- ating system provides a mature, stable and customisable platform, suitable for many tasks including telecommu- nications research. FreeBSD is being used as part of CAIA’s NewTCP project [1] to evaluate up and coming TCP congestion control algorithms. Part of this work
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From Power Up To Bash Prompt [Linux] Download From Power Up To Bash Prompt [Linux]  E-Book
The main thread in this document is how Linux starts itself up. But it also tries to be a more comprehensive learning resource. I have included exercises in each section. If you actually do some of these, you will learn much more than you could by just reading.
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FreeBSD Handbook Download FreeBSD Handbook  E-Book
The FreeBSD newcomer will find that the first section of this book guides the user through the FreeBSD installation process and gently introduces the concepts and conventions that underpin Unix.Working through this section will requires little more than the desire to explore,and the ability to take on board new concepts as they are introduced
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Foundations of Computer Science Download Foundations of Computer Science  E-Book
This course has two ob jectives. First (and obvious) is to teach program- ming. Second is to present some fundamental principles of computer science, especially algorithm design. Most students will have some programming ex- perience already, but there are few people whose programming cannot be improved through greater knowledge of basic principles. Please bear this point in mind if you have extensive experience and find parts of the course rather slow.
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Extended Access Control module for Apache Download Extended Access Control module for Apache  E-Book
This version of the Apache HTTP Server Documentation is converted from XML source files to LTEX using XSLA with the help of Apache Ant, Apache XML Xalan, and Apache XML Xerces.
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Exploring Net.Commerce Hosting Server Download Exploring Net.Commerce Hosting Server  E-Book
This redbook is int ended as a guide for r eaders w ho want to implem ent e-c om merc e hos ting s er v ice w ith the I BM N et .C omm erce H ost ing S er ver ( N C H S ) . The authors assume that the readers of this book have a basic understanding of IBM Net.Commerce.
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