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Software E-Books

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Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing Download Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing  E-Book
A random or stochastic process is a mathematical model for a phenomenon that evolves in time in an unpredictable manner from the viewp oint of the observer. The phenomenon may b e a sequence of real-valued measurements of voltage or temp erature, a binary data stream from a computer, a mod- ulated binary data stream from a modem, a sequence of coin tosses, the daily Dow–Jones average, radiometer data or photographs from deep space prob es, a sequence of images from a cable television, or any of an infinite numb er of p ossible sequences, waveforms
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Introduction to Shell Scripting Download Introduction to Shell Scripting  E-Book
putting UNIXTM commands in a file almost always sp ecial-purp ose code often one-time code seldom used where sp eed is imp ortant often used to manipulate files
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Intellectual Property Issues in Software Download Intellectual Property Issues in Software  E-Book
This paper is a contribution of the joint UNCTAD-ICTSD Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development to the ongoing debate on the impact and relevance of intellectual property rights on new software technologies and development. In particular, it examines the conceptual, economic and intellectual property law implications of ‘proprietary’ and ‘free’ software formats.
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Informix Unleashed Download Informix Unleashed  E-Book
This book focuses on all aspects of data processing, involving every available Informix relational database management system and other Informix products. Information is provided on all the different Informix products and how to use them to solve business problems--whether the business's size is very small or as large as most corporations. Designed for the beginner-to-advanced reader, this book covers the basic and advanced concepts required of database administrators, system administrators, and application developers that use Informix products
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Information Technology and Manufacturing: A Research Agenda Download Information Technology and Manufacturing: A Research Agenda  E-Book
Manufacturing is the dominant sector of the European eco- nomy. Since each job in manufacturing is linked to two addi- tional jobs in high quality services, Furthermore, it also exerts a strong technology pull on research and innovation – so the EU depends strongly on the dynamism of its manu- facturing industry!
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In the Beginning...Was the Command Line Download In the Beginning...Was the Command Line  E-Book
About twenty years ago Jobs and Wozniak, the founders of Apple, came up with the very strange idea of selling information processing machines for use in the home. The business took off, and its founders made a lot of money and received the credit they deserved for being daring visionaries. But around the same time, Bill Gates and Paul Allen came up with an idea even stranger and more fantastical: selling computer operating systems.
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IFC Developer's Guide Download IFC Developer's Guide  E-Book
In this second edition , the guidence on project development has been completely redeveloped and now follows a more clearly defined methodological approch.The process for IFC project development has matured since Release 1.o and the experience from work on IFC Release 2.0 projects and IFC Release 3.0 project are now available
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HACMP/ES Customization Examples Download HACMP/ES Customization Examples  E-Book
This red book provides examples on how to configure RISC System/6000 and HACMP in various environments and for various applications. The examples in the book are based on AIX Release 4.3.3 and HACMP/ES Release 4.3.1.
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GNU Bash Reference Manual Download GNU Bash Reference Manual  E-Book
Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, for the gnu operating system. The name is an acronym for the ‘Bourne-Again SHell’, a pun on Stephen Bourne, the author of the direct ancestor of the current Unix shell sh, which appeared in the Seventh Edition Bell Labs Research version of Unix.
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Getting Started with Mathematica 4.0 Download Getting Started with Mathematica 4.0  E-Book
Mathematica is a computer program for doing mathematics. It is often used for instruction, homework, research, and writing. Mathematica is extraordinary well-rounded. It is suitable for both numeric and symbolic work, and it has remarkable word-processing capabilities as well. Mathematicians can (and often do) search for a working model, do intensive calculation, and write a dissertation on the project (including complex graphics) -- all from within Mathematica.
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